Saturday, December 14, 2019
On The 12th Day of Christmas-Citrus Guy Style
Well, here we are, Day #12 of Gardener Christmas Gift Ideas. I saved the very best, most personal things that you could give anybody during the holidays.
Love and Time
Spend time with the ones you love. If they love spending time in the garden, give them a Gift Certificate to help, like this:
Offer them Gift Certificates of your time. Not only will you get to spend quality time, they will appreciate the help.
Isn't that what the holidays are TRULY about?
Love, time spent with family, and caring.
I hope you have enjoyed this series of posts as much as I have writing them?
From the deepest part of my heart I want to wish every person that reads this a
Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukkah
Happy Kwanzaa
Insert Your Preferred Holiday Here
and a
Joyous and Prosperous New Year
Happy Growing!
Friday, December 13, 2019
On The 11th Day of Christmas-Citrus Guy Style
Tomorrow, for the 12th day of Christmas I will have the biggest, bestest, nicest, gift of them ALL!
But first, for the 11th day of Christmas, let's bunch together the first 10 days in a neat little basket.
On the 10th Day of Christmas, we discussed little stocking stuffers.
On the 9th Day of Christmas, we discussed saving all that great food.
On the 8th Day of Christmas, we discussed gardening magazines.
On the 7th Day of Christmas, we discussed gardening memberships.
On the 6th Day of Christmas, we discussed indoor garden kits.
On the 5th Day of Christmas, we discussed organic pest products.
On the 4th Day of Christmas, we discussed garden fertilizers.
On the 3rd Day of Christmas, we discussed finding camellia plants.
On the 2nd Day of Christmas, we discussed many seed vendors.
On the 1st Day of Christmas, we discussed finding citrus plants.
On Black Friday we discussed The Citrus Guy's Books.
So, how do we put ALL of this info into one neat little basket?
By putting them all in a NEAT LITTLE BASKET, of course!!
These are just a few ideas that I found on Pinterest. You can very easily use any of the links/ideas that I have been talking about for the past 11 days or more and create something special for your gardener.
This is again a Pinterest idea I saw. You can add some pretty artificial flowers, fruit or vegetables to yours to make it that much more personal.
It does not even need to be a "basket" a pretty colorful pot, pail or bucket would work. What about a wheelbarrow, or utility cart? The only limits would be your imagination.
I hope you have enjoyed these Christmas gift ideas for your gardener. I enjoyed....what?
I didn't do the whole 12 days of Christmas? This only day 11?
Tomorrow is not here yet my friend.
The best always comes last!
As always I am available to answer any questions, please e-mail me at or .net.
You can also follow me on FACEBOOK or check out my WEBSITE.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
Happy Growing!
Thursday, December 12, 2019
On The 10th Day of Christmas-Citrus Guy Style
#1-4" Plant Tags-
My mother may disagree with me on this, but, tagging plants is very important! Especially when you have multiples of the same thing planted, i.e. seeds in pots. You need to know whether that little thing coming up is a carrot, fennel, tomato, or a weed. These multi-color tags are ideal for grouping things into different categories. All of your peppers could be blue, tomatoes red, etc.
#2-Twist Tie Roll-
This handy roll of 328 feet of coated twist tie material is ideal for tieing up tomatoes or other plants that are rather sprawly. Having a roll of this material with a handy cutter makes it easier to use as much or as little as you need for any particular job.
#3- Aluminum Plant Tags-
These tags are designed more for already established plants. I use them on all of my citrus, camellias, and fruiting plants. These plant labels are made of high-quality aluminum material, which is sturdy and durable, can be used for years in any environment. They are Waterproof and Sun Resistant and your label is permanent and remains legible for years. You have plenty of space to write on with a ballpoint pen, pencil, or another sharp object.
Your gardener will love these little items. Again, they are not very sexy by themselves but believe me, they DO come in handy!
As always I am available to answer any questions, please e-mail me at or .net.
You can also follow me on FACEBOOK or check out my WEBSITE
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
Happy Growing!
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
On The 9th Day of Christmas-Citrus Guy Style
For the 9th Day of Christmas, instead of the ladies dancing, let's have them preserving all of that glorious produce they will be harvesting!
Like most gardeners, if yours is any kind of a farmer, they will have an overabundance of fruits and veggies come harvest time. What to do with all of that food?
Preserve it!
I only have two items for you today, but they can REALLY be nice as gifts, especially if YOU end up being on the receiving end of the final product!
These will be Amazon affiliate links, and I use both of these seemingly constantly.
#1- Garden Master Food Dehydrator- I LOVE making my own pepper flakes, fruit roll-ups, and fruit chip snacks. There are many models available, but this is the one I use. It is expandable. As needs grow, this four-tray unit can be expanded with accessory Add-A-Trays, up to 20 trays (20 square feet.) Drying pressure adjusts automatically to the number of trays. Dries in Hours, not Days.
#2- Bernardin Canning Starter Kit- Maybe your gardener is more into pickling or jam/jelly. I LOVE making homemade Pepper Jelly with my hot peppers. So, if they want to learn how to do some canning like Grandma used to make, get them a starter kit. This kit contains the essential tools needed for beginning canners or for those looking to upgrade their equipment. It includes a starter set of home canning recipes and a home canning "how-to" DVD (English/French).
Set of 12: water bath canner, canning rack, jar lifter, funnel, lid lifter, bubble remover/headspace gauge, 4 mason jars with lids, pectin, and canning DVD.
The gift of food is always useful, everybody has to eat. This gift reminds me of the story about teaching a man to fish. You can buy pepper flakes and jelly at the store, but teach them to do it themselves and they save LOTS of money!
As always I am available to answer any questions, please e-mail me at or .net.
You can also follow me on FACEBOOK or check out my WEBSITE
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
Happy Growing!
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
On The 8th Day of Christmas-Citrus Guy Style
On the 8th day of Christmas, gardener gift ideas, we are going to imitate day 7 slightly.
But first, a recap in case you have missed any.
For Black Friday, I discussed my books.
On the 1st Day of Christmas-Citrus Plants
On the 2nd Day of Christmas- Seeds
On the 3rd Day of Christmas- Camellia Plants
On the 4th Day of Christmas- Fertilizers
On the 5th Day of Christmas- Organic Pesticides
On the 6th Day of Christmas- Indoor Garden Kits
On the 7th Day of Christmas- Memberships
So, how are we going to imitate day 7?
This gift will also remind them of you, ALL year long!
Sadly, this one, which was my favorite, went out of business.
Garden Magazine Subscriptions
(These will be Amazon Affiliate links)
Here are my top three, but there are many others.
#1-Birds and Blooms- Most gardeners enjoy attracting birds to their gardens, and "Birds and Blooms" combine the two interests into one magazine. There are tips on plants for attracting particular birds, education for those of us who can't identify all the birds that come to our gardens, and of course, crafts and projects and lots and lots of photos.
#2-Fine Gardening- If you only read one gardening magazine, I recommend "Fine Gardening." They just seem to know what's important at the moment. There are regional departments, and the writers come from all over and from all aspects of gardening.
#3-Garden Gate- "Garden Gate" has no advertisements, just lots of colorful pages of gardening how-to and tips. They have regular features like Before & After, Design Challenge, Container Recipe, and Weed Watch. "Garden Gate" always offers something new to learn.
I mentioned earlier, there are many other fine magazines out there, it will only take a Google Search to locate them. I am familiar with these three and have enjoyed them in the past.
As always I am available to answer any questions, please e-mail me at or .net.
You can also follow me on FACEBOOK or check out my WEBSITE
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
Happy Growing!
Monday, December 9, 2019
On The 7th Day of Christmas-Citrus Guy Style
For the 7th day of Christmas, your gardener will be swimming with the swans all year long, if you get them one of these ideas. I only list three, BUT, if your gardener is not interested in any of these, there are MANY others out there. I will explain in a moment.
The Gift of Membership- Giving them a membership to their favorite plant society or other horticultural/gardening group for a year will have them remembering YOU all year! Every time they get a magazine, e-mail, or something else from the group you will come to mind.
My three favorites are:
#1-The American Horticultural Society- They offer unique gardening information through The American Gardener magazine, seed, and plant discounts, and more.
#2- Azalea Society of America- The Azalea Society welcomes membership by anyone interested in azaleas, from all cultures and disciplines. They invite those who wish to learn and those who know and wish to share their knowledge. Some of the major benefits of membership is an association with like-minded gardeners, along with a quarterly 24-page color journal The Azalean.
#3- American Camellia Society- Being as heavily involved as I am in the Camellia world, I saved my absolute favorite for last. There is SO MUCH associated with being a member of this society, things like Quarterly issues of the Camellia Journal, A copy of the American Camellia Society Yearbook, Free admission to Massee Lane Gardens, and Free or reduced admissions to participating gardens available through the American Horticultural Society's Reciprocal Admissions Program. There are over 300 gardens that participate in this alone!
Like I said, these are my favorite three, but there are literally dozens, if not hundreds more. A simple Google search of their favorite plant(s) will give you a nice list. For example, do they like Cactus and Succulents?
What about Daffodils?
If you can think of a plant that they like, chances are there is a group they would LOVE to hear more from.
This might be a great gift for somebody on a fixed income that would enjoy the magazines, meetings, and other things that membership can bring.
As always I am available to answer any questions, please e-mail me at or .net.
You can also follow me on FACEBOOK or check out my WEBSITE
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
Happy Growing!
Sunday, December 8, 2019
On The 6th Day of Christmas-Citrus Guy Style
On the 6th day of Christmas, we will discuss a little indoor gardening. There are many folks that, scratch that.......NEED to garden all year long! Sadly, if you live in parts of the north, you may get one good week of gardening a year. (I am, of course, joking)
Today's gift ideas are for those that LOVE herbs, want to do more year-round gardening, or perhaps, can't get outside to garden anymore and truly miss it.
Indoor Garden Kits are lots of fun and can even be educational for those kids and grandkids that want to learn more.
(As I have mentioned before, these are Amazon affiliate links, I do make a small percentage off of them.) I have also actually tested all of these out and wrote a review ARTICLE on them.
#1-Click and Grow Smart Garden- Love gardening but your space is limited? Get yourself this self-watering garden. Ideal for indoor use, either on the kitchen counter, window or living room. Place it anywhere you want and grow your favorite plants and herbs all year long!
#2- AeroGarden Harvest- Grows Naturally in Water, 5X Faster Than Soil.
Save yourself the hassle and mess of growing indoors with soil. You'll use less water and your plants will grow faster, getting everything they need from the water and plant food in your AeroGarden.
This was Buttercrunch lettuce after only 10 days in this thing.
#3- Ideer Life-Indoor Gardening Kit Hydroponics Growing System Kit w/Natural Bamboo Frame- If you go and read the Review Article that I wrote, this was going to be a link to my favorite one. Sadly, everywhere I looked they are temporarily unavailable. Keep checking the link from the article, hopefully they will have it back in stock soon!
There you go, no geese a-laying, though the last item is a big Goose Egg for right now. Reminds me of the Cabbage Patch Dolls from the '80s
As always I am available to answer any questions, please e-mail me at or .net.
You can also follow me on FACEBOOK or check out my WEBSITE
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
Happy Growing!
Saturday, December 7, 2019
On The 5th Day of Christmas-Citrus Guy Style
Normally, the 5 Golden Rings would be the ultimate gift today, but who can afford THAT much gold!?
No, we are going to deal with the ugly side of gardening today, pests. The ones that want to eat your plants before you get a chance to eat it yourself. All three of these are organic in nature, so there is no worry about toxic chemicals, recalls, or personal safety. Two are actual products to put under the tree, one is a gift certificate because, well, it could get ugly on Christmas morning.
(The first two are Amazon affiliate links, so, while you do NOT have to use them specifically, I always like to notify you of them.)
As always I am available to answer any questions, please e-mail me at or .net.
You can also follow me on FACEBOOK or check out my WEBSITE
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
Happy Growing!
No, we are going to deal with the ugly side of gardening today, pests. The ones that want to eat your plants before you get a chance to eat it yourself. All three of these are organic in nature, so there is no worry about toxic chemicals, recalls, or personal safety. Two are actual products to put under the tree, one is a gift certificate because, well, it could get ugly on Christmas morning.
(The first two are Amazon affiliate links, so, while you do NOT have to use them specifically, I always like to notify you of them.)
Photo Courtesy of NC State Extension
#1-Neem Oil- This is my absolute #1 go-to product for pests. It has many uses. It controls black spot, powdery mildew, rust, spider mites, aphids, whiteflies, & other insect pests. The link will take you to my favorite brand, but any Neem Oil is excellent to use.
#2- Bacillus Thuringiensis-The active ingredient of this product is Bacillus thuringiensis, also known as Bt. Bt is a natural occurring, soil-borne bacteria that has been used since the 1950s for natural insect control. I don't even bother trying to say this one, just use BT. This is what you use on Caterpillars that are munching down all of your plants.
#3- Gardens Alive- THIS is the one that getting them a gift certificate would be MUCH better on Christmas morning. You can BUY live GOOD bugs! Things like ladybugs, lacewings, and others that eat the bad bugs. While some people would find it cool or funny to have hundreds of ladybugs flying around Christmas morning, it might not go over very well with most folks. Best to stick with a Gift Certificate here.
Pests will eventually happen to every gardener no matter how good they are. That is nature. Give your favorite gardener a little advantage, they may not need any of these products until later in the season, but when the pests rear their ugly heads, it is nice to know they are ready!
You can also follow me on FACEBOOK or check out my WEBSITE
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
Happy Growing!
Friday, December 6, 2019
On The 4th Day of Christmas-Citrus Guy Style
Here we are, one-third of the way through the list. Everyday Christmas gets closer!
I have discussed my BOOKS.
I have told you where to buy CITRUS TREES
I have seeded your interest with SEEDS
I have enticed you with CAMELLIAS
Now, let's just say that you have bought any or all of those for your beloved gardener.
Those plants are going to need to be fed.
Today, I bring you some of the BEST fertilizers I have ever used.
(Please be aware that these affiliate links will take you to Amazon and I do get a small percentage of these sales.)
You will see a pattern to these products, they are all made by the same company, Espoma. You will not go wrong using ANY product by them, but I wanted to list the 3 favorites that I use all of the time.
#1-Bio-Tone Starter Plus-
I add this to all of my plants when I pot them up or when I plant them in the ground.
#2- Holly-Tone-
I use this on all of my Camellias and in a pinch, can be substituted or replaced with the next product on the list.
Of course, The Citrus Guy uses this stuff!! I actually use it on ALL of my fruiting plants. PLUS, like I mentioned earlier, I have been known to sub this with and for, Holly-Tone.
If you are going to attempt to grow tomatoes, you owe it to yourself to have every advantage. This stuff works!
Well, there you have it, give the gift of fertility. You DO NOT have to buy it through these links, these products are available at any good garden center. While it is always nice to make a few dollars, the intention of these posts are to give you ideas for gift giving.
As always I am available to answer any questions, please e-mail me at or .net.
You can also follow me on FACEBOOK or check out my WEBSITE
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
Happy Growing!
Thursday, December 5, 2019
On The 3rd Day of Christmas-Citrus Guy Style
Welcome to day 3 of Gardener Christmas gift ideas.
Today, I want to tell you about one of my other passions and how you can get some of the ones I grow and show.
There are four selections today, and again, I know these places and they only sell top-notch plants.
#1-Camellia Forest Nursery- These folks have been in business for over 40 years and are located in North Carolina. They offer gift certificates and you can pick what camellia you want by many different ways, either by name, color, bloom size, bloom time as well as others.
#2- Larry Bates Nursery- Coming out of Louisiana, Larry has over 300 different grafted camellias available. His site has pictures, ordering information, growing information and links to other good information and societies. There are a couple of his that I have on my wish list and will hopefully be ordering soon!
#3- County Line Nursery- CLN is a world-class grower of camellias down in Georgia. He ships smaller camellias for the folks that are having a hard time finding certain plants. His plants are beautifully packaged and will show up at your door without a scratch.
#4-Nuccio's Nursery- This is the Nirvana of the camellia world! They are in California and have been in business since 1935. This company has created and registered more camellias than I can remember. If you want something really unique, check these people out.
As I have mentioned in previous Christmas gift posts, there are many other camellia growers and sellers online, a quick Google search will reveal them. These four I have had personal dealings with and love them!
If a new Camellia is on your gardener's wish list, I urge you to check these folks out.
As always I am available to answer any questions, please e-mail me at or .net.
You can also follow me on FACEBOOK or check out my WEBSITE
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
Happy Growing!
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
On The 2nd Day of Christmas-Citrus Guy Style
On today's second installment of gardener Christmas gift ideas, I am going to seed. Your beloved gardener is really wanting to get outside and do SOMETHING! For the most part, the weather is a hindrance and most places are not even selling seeds this time of year.
While there are dozens, if not HUNDREDS of seed companies online, here are three that have some very unusual items for sale, as well as the standard fare, but also offer Gift Certificates so your gardener can at least feel as though they are doing something by looking, ordering, and dreaming of Spring.
Just as with everything else that is and will be on these lists, I have ordered from these companies and were not disappointed with my purchases.
#1-Trade Winds Fruit- I LOVE the very unusual Tropical Fruit seeds section of this company. Where else can you find things such as Crataegus pinnatifida a.k.a. Chinese Hawthorn or Parmentiera aculeata a.k.a. Guajilote.
When I tell people that I grow things that they have probably never heard of, THIS is where I got them from.
#2- Whatcom Seed Company- This is another one of those companies that, if your gardener likes the unusual, they will be in hog heaven! They carry fruits, vegetables and some really crazy flowers! Things like Crepis rubra a.k.a. Pink Hawksbeard or Scabiosa atropurpurea a.k.a. Black Scabiosa just to name a few.
#3- Totally Tomatoes- Even though their name is Totally Tomatoes, that is only their main thing, they do carry other vegetables, fruits, and other garden supplies. But, come on, if your gardener loves growing tomatoes, how can you POSSIBLY go wrong with Totally Tomatoes. They have everything from Amish Gold Slicer Tomatoes, which is an heirloom variety to hybrids like the Original Goliath Tomato with fruits averaging 10 to 15 oz!
As I mentioned earlier, there are many, MANY other seed companies online and I invite you to look for those too. I only listed these three for simplicity's sake and because they have unusual things as well as my seal of approval.
I will have another post tomorrow on other great gardener Christmas gift ideas.
As always I am available to answer any questions, please e-mail me at or .net.
You can also follow me on FACEBOOK or check out my WEBSITE
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
Happy Growing!
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
On The 1st Day of Christmas-Citrus Guy Style
Christmas is all about love and giving of one's self. I thought it would be fun to help out some of my friends in the horticultural business, give you some ideas of what to get a gardener in your life, and to show folks what I use or recommend in my gardening life.
So, what better way to do it than play off of the 12 days of Christmas and attempt to write 12 days of Christmas-Citrus Guy Style. I mentioned my BOOKS is a previous post, so you can go back and think about them.
Today, I wanted to mention some places to get Citrus trees shipped legally unless you are in a Citrus producing state, then this list is null and void.
#1 Lemon Citrus Tree- These folks have some of the nicest trees I have seen. The variety is great and they have trees in various sizes for every budget. I have gotten a few trees from them and they did not disappoint! Contact them and tell Nancy that The Citrus Guy sent you!
#2 McKenzie Farms- Stan McKenzie and I have been friends for years. We met through the Southeastern Citrus Expo that he has been putting on in different locations since 2003. Stan's trees are good for areas that are a little colder than the normal citrus belt. Tell Stan I sent you!
#3 Four Winds Growers- These folks specialize in dwarf and semi-dwarf trees that are perfect for container growing. They have a huge selection and very nice trees. They also have some unusual varieties.
If you have somebody that has been wanting to attempt to grow their own citrus trees, I urge you to use any or all of these vendors. Success is better with quality trees and these three will send you just that!
I will have another post tomorrow on other great gardener Christmas gift ideas.
As always I am available to answer any questions, please e-mail me at or .net.
You can also follow me on FACEBOOK or check out my WEBSITE
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
Happy Growing!
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